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by (120 points)

3 Answers

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Quite possibly. Assuming the churchyard has been designated closed and handed over to the parish council, the council is responsible for its maintenance. Whether that includes the boundary walls depends on the general question of who has responsibility for a particular boundary wall. That can be a legal minefield! But given that the wall was very likely erected by the church to surround the churchyard, it is quite likely the maintenance rests with the council.
by (33.7k points)
0 votes
There are a number of “only ifs” that precede a PC being responsible for any part of a closed cemetery.
Firstly, it has to have been ‘closed’ by a faculty of the diocese.
Second, there has to have been a request from the PCC to the PC to adopt the closed cemetery.
Third, the PC has to accept responsibility for the closed cemetery.
If any of those have not happened responsibility remains with PCC.
It is very far from being a done deal that a PC has anything to do with a closed cemetery.
by (26.1k points)
0 votes
Section 215 of the Local Government Act includes the following wording:-

"...shall maintain it by keeping it in decent order and its walls and fences in good repair."
by (58.5k points)

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