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At least 6 of our local electors want to call a parish meeting to have a vote on the single motion of no confidence in the chairman of the parish council.

The procedures for calling the meeting seem straightforward. We can't predict whether the chairman or vice-chairman of the council will attend to preside at the meeting, so it may be necessary for one of the electors to chair the meeting but that's ok.

What doesn't appear to be clearly explained in LGA 1972, or the red and yellow books, is how the public are supposed to participate in the meeting.

Is it appropriate to have a 'public participation' agenda item before the formal vote on the motion by the local electors, so that the electors can give their individual opinions with regards to the motion?

Presumably councillors can attend the parish meeting but they are not there in an official capacity and can vote as local electors?
by (410 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
A parish meeting is a meeting of the parish, and should allow electors of the parish to raise and discuss whatever matters they think appropriate.  Although the council chairman must chair the meeting if present (and likewise vice chairman), as you say, anyone can be appointed chairman as the first item of business.

One thing to watch out for is that the parish meeting may have standing orders, and these can be decided by the parish council.  However, they must not be unduly restrictive, and should be only such as to allow an orderly meeting.

As you say, parish councillors have no particular status at a parish meeting, so it is the electors whose meeting it is.
by (33.7k points)

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