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We have just been informed by our local branch of the Royal British legion that once we get a full council after May this year they will be responsible for organising this. The local RBL say " The Legion, in the past few years, have been very strict about the RBL merely "facilitating" the parades and not organising".                  This has come as complete news to us as during the four years since our petition was submitted to invoke the CGR this has never been mentioned or any reference to it been found. The parade has previously been organised by the Borough council.

Do other parishes organise theirs and is it a requirement?
by (200 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
It's certainly not a requirement, but I'm sure questions would be asked if it didn't happen. Parades are hard work and an increasing number of parishes now arrange a wreath-laying ceremony and nothing more.  Towns tend to do more. You have time to sit down with the relevant parties and discuss this to agree a joint approach.
by (60.1k points)
0 votes
Our Council covers two small towns, they are literally next to each other so makes sense. So there are 2 parades and wreath laying ceremonies, one in each town. These have always been arranged by the local RBL. The only contribution from the Town Council is that the Mayor joins the parade and lays a wreath.  I'm wondering if it's down to the enthusiasm of the local RBL? Perhaps your local RBL does not have many members or are finding it too much work? As DavetheClerk says, a conversation is needed.
by (2.8k points)

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