5xxx - The principal alloying element in the 5xxx series is magnesium. These alloys are strong, weldable, and resist marine corrosion. The 5xxx alloys are used to make pressure vessels and storage tanks and for various marine applications. Alloy 5182 is used to make the lid of aluminum beverage cans. So, aluminum cans actually consist of at least two alloys!
6xxx - Silicon and magnesium are present in 6xxx alloys. The elements combine to form magnesium silicide. These alloys are formable, weldable, and heat treatable. They have good corrosion resistance and moderate strength. The most common alloy in this series is 6061, which is used to make truck and boat frames. Extrusion products from the 6xxx series are used in architecture and to make the iPhone 6.
7xxx - Zinc is the principal alloying element in the series starting with the number 7. The resulting alloy is heat-treatable and very strong. Important alloys are 7050 and 7075, both used to construct aircraft.
8xxx - These are aluminum alloys made with other elements. Examples include 8500, 8510, and 8520.
9xxx - Presently, the series starting with the number 9 is unused.
What Is the Strongest Aluminum Alloy?
Manganese added to aluminum increases its strength and yields an alloy with excellent workability and corrosion resistance. The highest strength alloy in the non-heat-treatable grade is alloy 5052.