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0 votes
Our clerk is going through a terrible time and needs compassionate leave, which we support and encourage. Is there a process to find an interim clerk?  Not sure of the rules and regulations regarding appointment of such a person, pay for the existing clerk, etc. It may be over a number of weeks (terminal illness of the clerk’s spouse) Thanks in advance.
by (940 points)

5 Answers

+1 vote
Your local office of NALC (county office-your county ALC) may have such a service set up and some also supply internal auditors etc.

Give them a call but beware that it will cost you a lot more than your clerk does.
by (29.2k points)
Thank you for this.
+1 vote
The SLCC can also assist with locum clerks if your clerk is a member...
by (25.4k points)
Check your insurance policy as you may be covered
Thanks for responding
+1 vote
You could try one or two of the other local parish council clerks, they may be able to extra hours to help out in the short term
by (780 points)
Yes. Given costs this may be the way to go. Thank you
0 votes
I believe (someone will correct me if I'm wrong) that if any of your councillors have the necessary skills, ie bookkeeping & administrative, they can temporarily do the job themselves. Without pay and with the Council's approval.
by (2.8k points)
You are right Jann but it is not ideal.  It can be difficult to undertake the practical clerking duties during a meeting whilst also contributing as a Councillor.  But it is fine for a short period but what happens when you come to month end or year end....?
0 votes
SLCC also provide a locus clerk or support during times of need
by (6.3k points)

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