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A exemployee has ask to become a councillor of a parish council he worked for. how long a period does he have wait befor he is allowed to join from his leaving date.
by (350 points)

4 Answers

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Short answer - not long.

I think you will find the answer on the Electoral Commission's website, in their guide 'Parish and community council elections in England and Wales'

I believe the relevant bit is...

"This disqualification (to stand as a candidate) applies on both the date of your nomination and on polling day. If you were employed by the parish/community council, you must have resigned and served any notice period before the date of your nomination to avoid having a contract of employment with the parish/community council at that time."

by (5.3k points)
0 votes
He can join straight away if co-opted.  You just can't do it the other way round for 12 months.
by (25.4k points)
0 votes
Is this person a contractor or an employee
an employee receives a monthly wage and payslip, a contractor submits an invoice.

There are different rules depending on their status
by (6.3k points)
0 votes
From the original question - if already an ex employee, and meets the standard qualifying criteria, and (assuming) it’s a co-option, no delay at all.
As soon as the notice of co-option is published they can apply and if they receive a majority vote - that’s it, they’re in.
by (6.4k points)

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