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Our clerk feels their hours should be increased.  I asked where I could view the employment contract I order to understand the basis of employment I order to the be able to understand how to address the query, but this appears to have caused upset.
by (940 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
Usually the chair of any personnel committee or, failing that, the chair of the council.
by (60.1k points)
Thank you.  Our clerk has told me she keeps the employment contracts, tells me she needs her hours increase but when I asked for a copy of her contract in order to understand the basis, she appears to have taken offence.  Tricky
The clerk, as proper officer would keep almost all of the council's records, but there are a few widely accepted exceptions. The clerk's personnel file, spare keys to offices and filing cabinets, passwords to IT systems etc are often held by the chair or chair of staffing committee, as appropriate. The IT element of this is included in the model financial regulations.
0 votes
The council should have voted on the Clerks employment contract, so in the minutes, somewhere there should be a blank contract available to view even if it has no names attached, it will give you a fair overview.

Most Parish Councils usually follow the CALC or NALC templates for contract of employment.

It may be a case of working smarter not longer - ask to do a review of their workload but it needs to be in an aim to help them not hinder. It could be that the clerk is being pulled in many directions on different sides which is consuming their time.

Some Councillors, not all, "always asks the clerk" so the clerk does the work, when the councillor  themselves can do a little research and find the answer they are looking for.
by (6.3k points)
Thank you.  Very helpful
0 votes
Noting the other replies, the cheeky answer is - the council holds the employment contract, and the clerk knows where it is filed!
by (2.5k points)
At a public Parish Council meeting I was told the Clerk was responsible for “Value for Money “ and it was in their contract
I asked for the extract from the contract to confirm  ( not the full contract ) and it was refused
Very true about the filing but it should be a pdf document not the original which should be kept by the staffing committee or chairman

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