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I’ve just found out that our Town Councils ‘Mayor Making ‘ is taking place this evening. There is nothing on the website or social media to say so. The format is usually a Annual meeting with the Mayor Making as an agenda item and all other Business suspended til a later date. I appreciate that Covid 19 would make a difference but the ceremony is held in a Hall the holds 200 seated.
Has anyone else held their Mayor Making like this? It’s such a shame especially for our elderly residents who love this traditional Ceremony led by our Town Crier.
by (580 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
They can't hold a business meeting without the public, but there's probably nothing to say that the mayor making must take place in a public forum, as long as the decision regarding who will be appointed has been made previously.
by (60.1k points)
Hope they didn't waste a lot of money on staff etc just to satisfy the ego of the new Mayor.  Is a formal Mayor Making event essential - surely once the decision is made the rest is just ceremonial?

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