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2 Answers

+1 vote
In principle support a new refreshed standards regime.  Although It would be nice to think they hold themselves up to similar standards..  The constant threats of "Ill write to MO" almost weekly in some cases tiresome mind.  Seemed like some just use it as an empty threat to get people to vote whatever way the Chair wanted.. These people seem quite happy to waste MOs times on trivial "playground" infighting.  Will that get worse with a new standards regime.. maybe.  Suppose only time will tell
by (10.4k points)
+1 vote
All promoted by NALC of course. The problem is in the detail of who decides who should be disqualified or suspended. This is where the Ledbury case collapsed( at which the local NALC officer got a bloody nose for giving the wrong advice  She' still the head of the local office without censure) . Without a robust and clearly defined system of decision making this would go against democratically elected councillors at local level and tie up PC time forever.

Compulsory training for councillors is the only way forward.
by (29.4k points)
I had was subject to a four hour member conduct panel last Friday and part of my defence was based on the link below which Professor Tettenborn allowed me copy write for
"Compulsory training for councillors is the only way forward."  Training in what exactly .?  Isnt the underlying issue, behaviour - bully , harassment , sexism, ageism etc  ? The courses peddled by our clerk on behalf of the local association of councils don't offer courses in this field, and the SLCC whilst happy to bang on about victims don't offer training to their members.  Whilst they don't condone this behaviour it appears that  they cant comprehend that clerks could be perpetrators of this behaviour !. If our clerk behaved at my workplace as they do at the PC they would have been sacked long ago!  Perhaps Councillors should petition for Clerks to be  "struck off " when found to be in breach of a code of conduct, just a thought ???

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