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Is there a minimum advertisement period for a Parish Council Clerk/RFO vacancy?

My local Parish Council has posted two ads. One on their website, the other on the local Association of Local Council's website.

The ads were posted on 14 May, with a closing date of 31 May; just 17 days. Is such a short period acceptable?

If not, what is the legislation that refers to why that is an insufficient period?

The vacancy has arisen as the contract period for the Locum Clerk will end shortly. The Locum Clerk assembled and placed the advertisement for the vacancy, and has indicated that she will be applying for the permanent position.
I am uncomfortable about what is taking place here, so any guidance/advice gratefully received.
by (120 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
There are no rules. It is up to the Council to determine how and where to advertise a vacancy. If you have a staffing committee, they should determine every aspect of the recruitment process, otherwise it falls to the full council. The clerk has no decision making powers.
by (58.4k points)
+1 vote
As stated by Dave the Clerk, the clerk has ( or should not have) no say in the recruitment as the councils is the employer and would normally delegate to an employment committee. It is unfortunate that NALC local offices in recent history have woven a web around training, indoctrinating and supplying clerks including being involved in the "service" of recruitment and provision of locums for clerks and internal auditors. In my opinion they play to giving the "easy solution" to these problems faced by councils and pander to those councils who find it all too much work. My impression is one of insidious control over councils by this long arm of NALC. So beware!
by (29.0k points)

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