Our planning Committee only meets once a month. But we have to reply to applications forwarded by the borough council within 21 days. The clerk has been adding items to the agenda and re-sending it, sometimes only a few hours before the meeting. I have pointed out at the last meeting that this is unlawful. Legislation says that all meeting, including committees, must receive the required 3 clear days notice. She said that we should change standing orders so the planning agenda can be amended, saying the agenda was issued at the correct time so this is only 'amending it' and was ok. I argued against it, it's not just the summoning to the meeting, it's the time to read and digest the contents. She then went down a different route and said we can delegate powers to do this to the Clerk. As I understand it we can delegate certain things to the clerk but find it hard to believe that we can delegate the Clerk to do something that breaks legislation!
Can some of you wonderful clerks tell me if I am correct?