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Do declarations of  interest need to be updated yearly.
by (1.3k points)

1 Answer

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Any changes to your members interests forms should be done within 28 days of any change.  In reality many appear to not (that been said it is legal responsibility to keep said form up to date).  

by (10.4k points)
Appreciated , just to open the conversation a little more the said register should be at the very least legible and challenged by the Monitoring Officer for completion. Or can this be raised by anyone if they fall short of content and belief that a declaration is omitted or vague.
Thankfully democratic services very kindly created a editable PDF down here and moved to electronic fillings as an option (as Id completely given up even trying to read some of the scrawls).  Can only go on my own experiences but when Id identified (and repeatedly asked the individual to update his politely) a pecuniary interest that needed to be registered nobody was remotely interested.  He continued to vote on matters connected with it for some time.  He eventually updated it years later.
As it is a legal obligation required and verified in codes of conduct then non continued non-compliance is a matter for the MO. Non disclosure at a PC meeting comes under the Chairman's responsibility to challenge or decide the eligibility for the councillor to participate in any discussions or vote on a connected matter if an interest has not been declared on an agenda item.
Absolutely Mentorman.  All I can say is the individuals in my experience (including the MO) were not remotely interested.
Progress: then their eligibility to serve as a councillor should be questioned by the electorate and the community

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