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Can committees still meet online as long as the Public are invited. We are a Parish Council and are consultees on planning - I was considering how its more efficient of one non contentious Planning matter rather than have to pull another full face to face meeting - Thoughts ?
by (3.0k points)

2 Answers

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In terms of the courts decision all formal meetings of council (decision making) in England must be in person.  That been said some have found "innovative" ways round this.  One of which is delegating all decision-making to officers (clerks) the meeting merely help them make said decision.  So as an example Planning Comments are delegated to the Clerk they use a "forum" to gather thoughts.  The remote "forum" is not a formal meeting of council.  Some large Districts & Town Councils appear to have used delegation (including award winning "gold" councils as a way round it.
by (10.1k points)
0 votes
We are meeting in person now and the public are invited to attend but I request they let me know in advance as we have limits on numbers able to physically fit in the hall and maintain social distancing.

As progress says, some councils are 'bending' the rules a touch without breaking them by delegating to the Clerk but I don't see that as being democratic - the Clerk could go rogue and start making decisions left, right and centre, that the councillors did not agree to with no recourse - after all, an informal meeting holds no legality for decision making and the Clerk might decide to instruct a major project to go ahead and not break the delegated authority rules, therefore committing the council to expense with no comeback on the Clerk's actions.
by (25.4k points)
Dangerous ground delegating to the Clerk who may be manipulated by a few councillors.

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