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Does a District Council's Legal Dept have the authority to suspend a Parish Council if the Parish Council and a number of the councillors have become so dysfunctional that they are bringing the council, the clerk and ex parish councillors into disrepute?

(Im sorry I cant give more details - I just want to know if it is possible. Or indeed what powers does a DC have)

by (210 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
As far as I am aware the controlling authority only has the authority to dissolve a Parish Council and call a new election. I don't think that their legal department can do this unilaterally as it would have to be a decision based on a county councillor vote which would require clear evidence that it was justified and in agreement with the parish electorates needs and wishes.
by (29.2k points)
Thank you. Not the answer I wanted but it is what it is!!! I have done some research and realise there's a paper going thru Parliament which gives more sanction powers to be applied to council and councillors, when it is passed. Roll on the day!!
0 votes
In practice the answer is no. A district, Borough or County Council as Principal Authority could abolish the Parish Council through a governance review though.
by (35.8k points)
Thanks for the reply. Appreciate it

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