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A councillor has posted on his Business page on  parish matters promoting himself is this against the code of conduct.
by (350 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Self promotion isn't against the code of conduct, as long as he hasn't said anything derogatory about others.
by (58.6k points)
But is he promoting his business through his roll as a councillor.
0 votes
It is unclear as to what the issue is here, I think.  Are you saying he is promoting his parish council role on his own website?  If so, there is not a problem - a lot of companies have an 'about us' section giving info about themselves.  They also have a blog option and it would be fine to share news about parish matters - this is just whart Twitter does - you retweet things of relevance / interest.
by (25.4k points)
I think many Parish Councils should take every opportunity and effort to promote the work they do to the wider world. If they don't as sure as god made little fishes no one else will Providing the councillor is not openly criticising democratic decisions made within the council I see no problem. It's all about positive communication.

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