Hello Experienced Councillors
(I call you all that in comparison to me who will take his first ever seat in 3 days time.)
I understand that the government are "in consultation" over virtual meetings at present but the Council I am joining is "run" by those who would benefit from holding one as soon as possible. Without irrelevent details, it will allow the re-election of the current, "puppet" Chair by his supporters who, they say, for medical reasons will not attend a physical meeting. If that is indeed the case and virtual meetings are not allowed, the "balance of power" will shift and a less biased Chair appointed for the coming year.
Does anyone have an opinion as to how quickly a formal decision on the issue will be made? I fear if it is not done within the next 10 days, for my Council at least, the question will be moot.....
Secondly, if the virtual meeting goes ahead, when the decisions taken at it come up for "ratification" at the physical meeting a week later, can the Councillors at that meeting overturn the vote taken at the virtual one?
Oh what tangled web we weave.....