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Recently my Parish Council's sub-committee rejected a motion/proposal. However, the Clerk included the item on the next full council meeting agenda. He is now claiming that despite the proposal being rejected, as it is on the agenda as a recommendation from the committee it can be voted on at full council (the agenda was written before the committee rejected the proposal).

Proposals rejected at committee level have never had to be ratified by the full council before this. Furthermore, the terms of reference for the committee do not mention rejected proposals, nor the standing orders.

I fear the Clerk is manipulating the council so the item can be overturned.

How can I stop this?


by (360 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
It doesn't seem right and if the agenda was published in advance, the agenda item can be withdrawn at the meeting as the committee had rejected it.  I think it does depend on what the motion was - if it was a financial commitment, it could need full council ratification but as you say, the proposal was rejected and therefore should not be presented to the full council.

The only way to stop this is to raise it at the meeting and propose that the item is removed from the agenda.
by (25.6k points)
During my time at PC this is my never ending cry, standing order rules that are applied when the Chair and clerk wanted to manipulate a situation, overlooked when it's their 'friends", not receiving financial information when asking........ I could go on', I'm hoping that after this election there will be more independent thinkers who will strive to have integrity and a chair who will deal honestly and fairly - giving this next council 6 months or I'm giving in to the dark side and walking off into the sunset for a quieter life.  Hoping for change .......

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