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+1 vote
One would imagine, as with all things PC, that unilateral decisions are inappropriate.

Where a published schedule of PC meetings exists - and where it is constructed from the instructions laid out in (model) Standing Orders - a deviation from published schedule would only be credible if supported by an (open to the public) meeting where a motion and a vote of the PC were conducted.

Notwithstanding sudden, unforeseen major catastrophe impacting upon the entire community, is a last minute (and I mean literally minutes before the published scheduled meeting is due to commence) unannounced change of PC meeting date lawful / appropriate / acceptable?

It must be assumed that all members of the PC and the clerk were aware in advance, but that it was not communicated to the electorate.
by (6.4k points)

1 Answer

0 votes
It is not ideal but as you say, last minute emergencies might mean that the meeting has to be cancelled.  It could be that the quorate number was not met due to a sudden issue...?  Why do you assume that everyone knew in advance?  Things happen that mean changes have to be made.

Presuming this was a virtual meeting, there could have been internet issues, power cuts, sickness that cannot be predicted.  I presume that the meeting was rescheduled or will be rescheduled?
by (25.6k points)
A lot of guess work and assumption there.  Not really helpful but thanks anyway.
Hardly guess work as I got that information from the minutes published.  It seems that you have concerns with the parish council but the best way to make a change is to stand as a councillor rather than just screaming into the wind.  Or speak to the monitoring officer if you believe that the council is acting illegally.
Maybe best stick to the original question - is a last minute change of meeting time / date / location lawful / appropriate / acceptable.
Simple.  No it is not unlawful, yes it is unacceptable.
There is a procedure - just happens to be the opening paragraph of the SOs.  It wasn't followed.

There may be occasional requirement based upon unforeseen circumstances - but there is no explanation / justification.

It is another example of poor practice (and there will be a nefarious reason for it - just haven't found it yet)
Pointless contacting MO

It will be collated with other examples and presented to auditor
I am standing on 6 May with a coalition of like minded independents

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