Our parish clerk resigned at the last meeting. Our parish council has been unable to appoint an interim clerk to take over. The new council are elected on 9th May, when there will probably be new individuals in the council.
The first meeting (annual parish council meeting) is on 18th May. There will be no clerk to issue summons or public notices to this meeting. There will be no clerk to respond to emails, or requests for burials etc. for the period 9th May to 18th May.
Having examined a number of potential scenarieos, none of which are 'allowed' under the various rules of standing orders (eg no of days notice of meeetings/agenda items and/or new covid rules and rules for public meetings etc...)
The least problematic solution seems to be for two current councillors to call an extraordinary meeting for the NEW council to appoint a interim clerk, immediately after the election. . This would have to be held in person (gov says it must after May 7th) but would be restricted to 6 people outside (adhering to gov covid rules,) and as is related to staffing, is confidential, so public would be excluded anyway. There will be only 6 councillors elected so none excluded.
In summary: My question is can two councillors of the current council call an extraordinary meeting for the next council to appoint a clerk, before the annual parish council meeting?