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0 votes
My Chair says that although we pay a substantial amount to NALC individual Councillors are not entitled to the password to get access to the NALC website

Also we never receive any National or Local updates and based on past experience I should imagine they are withheld from us

Mind you this is the same Council that believes the FOI is optional
Is this the situation elsewhere ?
by (13.0k points)

4 Answers

0 votes
I have just to received my password.  I emailed the Local Branch telling them which Parish I was a member of.   The response was within 24 hours.
by (780 points)
Ossy thank you
As part of the membership does your Clerk pass on updates from NALC as I assume they must be issuing regular newsletters
I became  a Borough Councillor a couple of years ago and I’ve been pleasantly surprised at all the updates I get from different sources
Jules, Yes very much so National and Local (although they know I am keen and like to read from lots of sources).  I also read Minutes from other Parish Council's (it's sometimes very surprising what useful gems of information can be found)
+1 vote
Like many, you probably have people with a “knowledge is power” attitude that are unwilling to pass on access to relevant information because they might feel that to do so would somehow denude their warped sense of superiority.
It is an abject failure on the part of county or national associations if they do not encourage councillors to access information and documents at that level.
It is a character flaw on the part of council Chair / Clerks if they seek to prevent councillor access.
Individual councillors should INSIST that they be granted access to all information which empowers them in their role  if the subscription fees are paid from PUBLIC MONEY it is not for a clerk or chair to deny councillor access
by (6.4k points)
+3 votes

I would enquire of the chair on what basis they make such an exclusion of councillors from NALC information?. Councillors are the council and they have authorised payment of fees to NALC. Not the chair and not the clerk. All councillors must have full and unhindered access to ALL information from NALC and not a selected view of what they can and cannot see decided by others. There are too many tails attempting to wag the donkey in PC's and too many people with control trips to take.

by (29.4k points)
Out of 16 councillors I’m the only one that thinks it’s a problem the rest just go with the flow

However watch this space
The fundamental basis of being a councillor should totally exclude any "go with the flow" attitude to any council business. They should not be in their position for an easy life as a nodding dog but commit themselves to working for the good of their community and not their own well being or kudos.
0 votes
I suggest you contact your local association and ask them to clarify how many councillors and council staff can use the same log in details and ask them if they can provide you with your own PC cllr   dedicated user name and password. If they say they can't and it is down to the Clerk to share the credentials, forward that to the Clerk! See
by (35.8k points)

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