Questions about town and parish councils
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Does anyone have any experience of having their Parish mapped? What was involved? Was your Council receptive to the process?  Costs? Timescale? Value for Money? Public response?

by (1.7k points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
There is a free cross platform application called QGIS which I use.Your principal authority should have a shape file of the parish boundary which can be loaded into it  and you could approach Ordnance survey for a licence quote for street mapping to project the boundary on to. Here is an example of a Principal Authority that supplies shape files for it's Parishes.
by (35.8k points)
edited by
There’s this but I can’t vouch for it

Also I use what3words for pin pointing locations  and I’d highly recommend it’s use
For Parish Online Pricing is based on population, ranging from £30 to £1,500 per year.  QGIS is free
It may be possilbe to get the boundary from here to load into QGIS
Parish online is a very useful tool.
Thanks Graeme for your responses really useful. Helen
Thank you Jules I will check it out. Helen

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