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Can a councilor resign from a parish council and then a very short time later, be co-opted once again?

Any advice would be most appreciated.

Thank you

by (4.3k points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
If the councillor resigns, the position must be advertised for 10 days by the district council. If no one steps forward for election then the Parish is entitled to co-opt.

The Parish can only co-opt those who apply, and if the councillor applies they must be considered. However, councillors may have an opinion as to whether to co-opt or not.
by (9.0k points)
Many thanks for your advice somebodyelse.

However, the Principal Authority did not advertise the position.
Correct.  Though I would add if the council already had outstanding vacancies (many do) from previous unfilled seats (and they had already been through that process with said seats) it is possible to co-opt back on (should council wish) the individual filling them seats.  It seems quite common (probably in part because of the once you resigned in writing you have resigned) that people flounce then calm down and then want to re-join.   There are myriad of different reasons though.
Thanks for that Progress.

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