Questions about town and parish councils
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Good morning   We will be currently recruiting a new clerk/RFO.   Our clerk/RFO is leaving.  She presently does not do all the accounts we have an lady who is an accountant that does most of our booking.    Our accountant is also returning to full time employment so is unable to undertake the few hours of booking keeping/budgets etc.
We are now informed by our clerk that if we recruit a clerk/RFO they have to be two separate roles. We were looking to recruit dual role.    Apparently you can not do this.  They have to be two separate roles.  Most clerks I speak to undertake both roles. Advise please

by (1.5k points)

4 Answers

+2 votes
You are right most councils have clerks who carry out the role of the RFO.  A lot of councils now have computerised account systems which is a great help.
by (360 points)
+2 votes

That's wrong. Don't quite understand why your exsisting clerk is saying that when it seems that's what she is doing currently.

Most smaller councils appoint one officer to do both roles - I'm a joint clerk/RFO.  Similar to you we outsource our bookeeping to an external bookkeeper because that's how the council prefers to do it, but I'm still responsible for the finances, sign the audit as both clerk and RFO etc.
by (700 points)
+2 votes
In the vast majority of cases, the Clerk is also the RFO and handles all aspects of the financial record keeping. As Rob has mentioned, there are accounting packages specifically developed for parish and town councils, but in many cases, a spreadsheet may be adequate.
by (55.2k points)
Rialtas Business Solutions have a great accounts system for Parish Councils which maybe worth a look for you.  they also deal with allotments too
Scribe is another good package.
+2 votes
Whilst Town and Parish Councils must have a designated RFO, there is no legislation that demands that it is a standalone role.  As DavetheClerk Rob56 & Clerk 975 point out, the Clerk can assume the role in addition to their other Clerk duties. Challenge your Clerk to prove otherwise (maybe she was hoping one of her pals might get an RFO job?)!
by (35.7k points)
Our clerk combines  both the RFO & Admin  roles across several parishes. I would agree with Graeme _r , she's probably got someone in mind.

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