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This is a continuation from another of my questions, my town clerk has stated in a email he will no longer be communicating with me (with no explanation why ). I then wrote to the chairman to ask for reasons for the clerks  actions which I believe I’m entitled to.  After about 5 days I emailed the chairman to confirm she received my letter and no response.  I have contacted the ICO and they have said they can’t do anything.  What is my next course of action please (the non communication also means  I  am unable to access the zoom meeting login for the public council  meetings.
by (290 points)

2 Answers

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Are you asking the Clerk for information under the FOI act or for something else?
by (35.7k points)
I am asking for information under the FOI which the 20 days are yet to expire.  However the clerk has emailed to say he will not answer, read or reply to any emails that I send to the town council (on any subject). Therefore due to the non communication  I  am unable to access the zoom meeting login for the public council  meetings. As you have to email to get invited to gain log in details

I’m a Councillor and although our rules clearly show I have the right to support and information I have to use the FOI which my Council ignore anyway

Pursue your FOI preferably on “ whatdotheyknow” but as I mentioned earlier in the week the ICO has basically stopped dead in the water

I suppose I could send a FOI request to the ICO asking about average waiting times and if they fail to respond report them to the ICO !

But something that I’ve never considered before is 1.5 of the 7 principles ( see link above ) how about writing to all Councillors pointing out this principal and asking for a reply or their reasons for refusing failing as on the face of it you could report them to the Monitoring Officer

What does anyone else think ?
Keep the clerk's E Mails - he/she has provided evidence of acting unlawfully and do what Jules says with regard to what do they know.  You could paste the Clerk's responses there too.  That site provides an excellent audit capability.  I would contact the ICO now given the Clerk's response - it's obvious they won't entertain an Internal Review.  I note what Jules says about the ICO. I think they will respond eventually so do submit a complaint and a call for the ICO to investigate and issue a decision notice.  Report the failure to admit to zoom meetings to the ICO and the Internal auditor too.
The Clerk's behaviour is illegal and could be reported to the monitoring officer (employed by the next higher authority e.g. district or borough council).
0 votes
As mentioned below, FoI can work - I've just had a success with that although it did take 4 months so not quick and still not fully resolved.

Other option, as suggested below, write to each individual Cllr.  If any / all fail to respond they could be breaching code of conduct by:

- failed to threat others with respect

- conducted them self in a manner which is contrary to the councils duty to promote and maintain high standards conduct

 - prevented someone from getting information to which they are entitled by law

 - bringing the their office or council into disrepute

 - failed to give reasons for making a decision
by (6.4k points)

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