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One councillor has quite openly said in public that he is a Mason, but has not included this information in his DO!. It is thought that at least two other members of the council are Masons - but again they haven't mentioned this on their DOIs. 

I cannot find any information about Masonic membership and DOIs anywhere. Is there a ruling in Arnold Baker or somewhere else about councillors holding membership of the Masons needing to declare this fact? 

Yet it is important that membership of all influential bodies, of which the Masons are one, be available in total transparency for pulic scrutiny, so electors can be assured that their council members have acted properly andtrade union, Arnold Baker have declared all their interests in an open and honest manner. 

It is all about public perception and trust.

I guess any such declaration would be made under: 

10. Bodies which influence public opinion or policy (including any political party or trade union).


1 Answer

+2 votes
I don't believe there is a requirement for councillors to disclose their masonic membership, like there isn't a requirement to declare membership of the Rotary Club or Water Buffalos.  There are many organisations that could be considered to be influential but I would suggest that the 'Bodies which influence public opinion or policy would be things like Think Tanks and Lobby Groups.

Would there be a requirement for members to declare their connection to Greenpeace to the World Wildlife Fund or Water Aid?
by (25.4k points)

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