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We are in the process of adopting policies as we have none at all.

We are being questioned by a member of the parish who’s thinks we should be asking the parish for their views before we adopt them as they are unaware the council has such policies, for example a Charity Policy.  He is particularly concerned with this one as he has interpreted it as a pot of money that we are giving away, parishioners money.

We have explained it is for guidance and consistency should we receive any requests, we had a Red Cross request last year, so that we don’t have to debate each one but follow the guidelines.

We add the policies to the agenda, debate, propose and vote, so in theory if anyone looks at the agendas they are on it and can ask for more information.

So my question is, do policies have to be put out for consultation to the village?

Thank you
by (180 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
The adoption of policies as you point out are to provide guidance and consistency for the council to deal with matters arising. They enable all matters to be dealt with fairly and consistently and for those outside the council to know how a particular matter will be dealt with. A community elect the council to make decisions on their behalf so that a local consultation is not required on every decision to be made. A good council will be aware of local views by enabling free communication and gather local opinion where they feel there is sufficient interest ( or opposition). Openness and transparency is the watchword and remembering that the council is there to facilitate the needs and wants of the community not themselves.
by (29.0k points)
0 votes
It is good practice to seeks views but strictly speaking they can be resolved without that happening.
by (35.8k points)
In theory policies make absolute sense and it appropriate that Councillors alone formulate those policies. The big problem I find is they don't always follow them  and then as a resident you find that there is diddly squat you can do about that

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