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0 votes
Should a Parish Council provide a place of worship (Church) with Funds for Audio Visual Equipment?

This recently happened to the tune of several thousand pounds and I was wondering if this is actually allowed?
by (200 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
If the Parish Council have General powers of Competence it's difficult to just say they can't . However, if there is no evidence of quotes or tenders being sought, the external auditor should be informed.
by (35.8k points)
There were no tenders, just a lump sum.  Which as it happens they have now had for 4 months and not actually spent yet!
If the council provides a grant to an organisation, the purchase isn't subject to the council's purchasing rules.
0 votes
Don't see a problem providing that it has been ascertained that the community benefits are sufficient and that all of the tendering and open and transparent examination into quotes is sufficient to obtain value for money spent
by (29.0k points)
There were no tenders, just a lump sum.  Which as it happens they have now had for 4 months and not actually spent yet!
If the church requested a donation from the PC for this equipment then the PC should follow procedures to examine the request and ascertain as above regarding meeting community needs and also whether the amount requested can be proven to be the best value obtainable for public money. There should also have been a timetable agreed to which the payments would be made thus avoiding the donation being "hung onto". The PC should apply its own laid down principles of purchase safeguards to donations made for particular purpose.
+1 vote
My view is this in breach of the 1894 act when Church and Parish were seperated. Its an awkward subject as many want to support the Church but Parish Council do not have the Power.-
My Parish Council had given funds to the Church for years but I pointed out it was illegal and this has now ceased.
by (3.0k points)
The 1894  act states so far as "relates to the affairs of the church or to ecclesiastical charities".    What does affairs translate to ?  Just property ?
One of our  local church charities which is quite well off has applied to our PC for a grant towards their Queens Platinum Jubilee celebrations.     It has been suggested that this is OK under s145 and or s137  .  Thoughts ?

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