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When writing to state my opinion concerning a planning application. having looked on the Council website, should I make it known that I am a Parish councillor?
by (2.3k points)

3 Answers

+1 vote
If there is a potential  Parish Council  conflict of interest, or if the Parish Council is the applicant yes.
by (35.8k points)
0 votes
There is no need to declare that you are a councillor. As a resident, you have the right to submit your opinion and if you do so without any mention of your position on the council, it avoids any suggestion that your view may, in some way, be connected to the council.
by (58.5k points)
0 votes
The only time you should identify yourself as a councillor is when you are representing the policies, views, instructions or decisions of the council. By strictly adhering to this will protect yourself of accusations of using your position in an influential way. Whilst it is true that each councillor has the right as a member of the community to comment on any planning application it would be wise and sensible for a councillor to refrain from such comments until the matter has come before the council thus avoiding any charges of bias in council deliberations on the matter especially if they are members of a planning committee.
by (29.0k points)

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