At our planning meeting last night two Cllrs requested that a planning application was added to the agenda for the next meeting but the request was refused by the Chair. We discussed this application last October and agreed to support it in principle. Since October, evidence has come to light proving the application does not comply with our Neighbourhod Plan. The district planning officer also undertoook a 21 day re-consultation in December which our Chair told us we could not participate in because they said the MO had told them we could not re-discuss the application whilst a complaint against the Chair was being investigated (this MO investigation has since closed), and the Chair said there was no need for us to add any further comments anyway - which many of us disagree with as we have multiple concerns to raise.
We have called an EGM, so are hoping to be able to rediscuss in the near future but my question is, since I am reletively new to being a Parish Councillor, is the Chair correct in saying we are not allowed to reconsider decisions for 6 month periods? If so, on what authority is this based as I have checked our standing orders and cannot see this information? It is sounding more and more to us like the Chair is obstructing our right to rediscuss this application, to the degree that we are now considering an MO complaint, but want to be sure that the Chair is incorrect in what he stated last night, so would sincerely appreciate advice regarding this.