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0 votes
Hi All

Looking at the legal side of this one, not the ethical side

The draft minutes have been published and a parishioner picked up incorrect information (Significantly around dates)

The clerk then quietly changes the minutes and substitutes the new ones, but when the Clerk is challenged, they state, under the law, she can change what she wants when she wants.

We were under the impression that once published the draft minutes cannot be changed but has to be recorded as an amendment in the next minutes.

Does anyone know where is law it is covered?

Ta muchly

by (2.2k points)

2 Answers

0 votes
The draft minutes have no legal standing until accepted by council vote and signed as a true record by the chair at the next available meeting of the council. If a member of the public has had communication with the clerk pointing out what could be a genuine mistake made then I would expect the clerk to inform the council of the changes and announce them as well at the meeting to ratify the draft minutes.  For accuracy changing the draft minutes could save  several people pointing out the same mistake to the clerk. There may not always be a conspiracy  behind every action.
by (29.0k points)
+1 vote
You've got to trust your clerk to judge whether the replacement of published draft minute is necessary.  For instance, if the date that is wrong is likely to cause a lot of disruption, will the possible confusion over two sets of draft minutes being out there be a bigger problem?
It's best not to tinker with draft minutes once published if possible and save any amendments to be agreed at the next meeting.
by (2.1k points)

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