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3 Answers

0 votes
Not sure of the question that is being asked here
by (6.3k points)
When preparing agendas, if an item requested by councillors is refused, in line with standing orders "motions rejected shall be recorded with an explanation by the Proper Officer of the reason for rejection". Where would this normally be recorded? Thank you.
0 votes
The clerk should respond to the councillor who submitted the item to notify them that it has not been included and provide an explanation of their reason for rejecting it. The clerk should also keep a record of all motions submitted but rejected, as their decision may be challenged at a future date.
by (60.0k points)
Thank you both for your advice.
0 votes
As Dave says a record should be kept.  If you have a large council with many items requested for the agenda decisions have to be made what can and can’t be included due to time restrictions. Sometimes agenda items can be covered in committee reports
by (6.3k points)
Thank you both for the advice.
There isn't actually a power to reject an item purely on the basis that there is already too much on the agenda. The item must be considered to be improper for it to be rejected. Otherwise it should be added to the agenda and the chair and council should be challenged to complete all business in the time allowed. If this situation is a regular occurrence, it's a sign that the council should either meet more frequently or delegate more matters to committees (or perhaps be more focused in its deliberations!)
If only....
I seem to be a record on repeat! Spend hours on minor points, mostly bringing up points that were discussed / agreed months ago which they didn’t agree .... frustrating
The standing orders provide a framework to resolve this. No revisiting previous discussions, each member may speak only once on each motion, three minute time limit, no interruptions etc. If all information is circulated before the meeting as written reports, it's surprising how much you can get through in a couple of hours.

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