There is a history of mates and mates rates for people doing work for the council. For many years it was somebody in the village who was classed as a public spirited individual that would get paid cash in hand. Most councils are moving into the twentieth century now moving to tenders being upgraded every year. Rome was not built in a day and sometimes it can take years to address all the “inheritance.”
Be mindful all these new rules and regulations come at a cost and be prepared to put the precept up as many people have to do courses and have PPE which will bump the cost up.
Also handle it with care as members of the community helping the council out, suddenly being “dumped” will bring community members out in force especially if the bins aren’t emptIed etc. Sometimes there is an agreement set up in the interim that the insurance is covered by the parish council until the current person gives the role up naturally.
if there was no end date on the original agreement, proceed with caution especially if it has been over two years, you may be changing the contract and they may take you to a tribunal for breach of contract. If they have a disability, this could also be used against the council.