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All - I need your help..

We have an ordinary meeting next week where we are to discuss a contract for works that should have gone out to Tender in January 2019 but was put on hold and the Full Council voted to delay this until next year. We now have a Councillor who wants to raise a written motion at the meeting to...

'extend by a further 12 months to help our Town Clerk overcome current heavy workload due to Covid-19'

This is a definite case of 'smoke and mirrors' - the TC has already completed the work (they have stated that themselves) but there is an underlying current at work here from a member who has had no involvement in the process and others who want an easy life!

Is there legislation that can be used to prevent this motion - not sure where to look.

by (330 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
There's no need for legislation. Simply persuade a majority of members at the meeting to vote against the resolution.

I'm confused by your statement that "the TC has already completed the work". Are you referring to the tender documentation?

Incidentally, don't forget that if the contract value is more than £25,000 it must be advertised on the Contracts Finder website.
by (60.1k points)

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