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Can a Councillor take a position on a Neighbourhood Plan Committee as a member of the public rather than as a Councillor
by (1.5k points)

3 Answers

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As a neighbourhood plan, if undertaken by the PC, is an exercise in producing a document that is designed to input the needs and aspirations of the community. It has several stages that have to be presented fully for the support of that community before it enters into planning law then I cannot see why a councillor would want to be a lay member of such a group. Even a lay person should serve on such a task in a neutral way without prejudice

It is in fact a democratic process covering the whole of the area and not just specific areas. Where a  councillor might have large conflicts of interest then it would be professional of that councillor to refrain from serving on the committee anyway.
by (29.4k points)
0 votes
I found myself in this position a couple of years ago, as the NHPlan sub-committee was set up with only a certain number of Cllrs, and  a similar number of residents. As the Cllrs positions were full, and there was a distinct lack of public volunteers I sat as a member of the public.
by (5.3k points)
0 votes
A Councillor is elected (or co opted) to serve or represent as a holder of public office, the residents of his or her ward.  If his or her Parish Council is the originator of the plan the cllr it would be impossible to claim that he or she had no potential conflict of interest by attending.  If it is a body other than the Parish Council, then it would be acceptable, as cited by carolinenelson.
by (35.8k points)

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