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As I understand it, a co-opted non-Councillor can sit on a committee or working group and help to drive policies and carry out actions. However he has no voting rights and should not be involved in any financial discussion or staffing matters. He can sit in on a Parish Council meeting but presumably should only take part in discussions that involve his particular areas of influence. And if the PC goes into a confidential session he should be excluded just like any other member of the public.

Have I got those do's and don'ts broadly correct?
by (280 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
As far as I am aware once an applicant has been accepted for co-option by the council and have duly signed the declarations supplied by the Clerk then they are a full councillor and have the same rights and duties of a councillor elected by the electorate. I don't recognise the description of "co-opted non-councillor" as a descriptive term but as a direct contradiction in terms.
by (29.0k points)
+2 votes

NALC has a legal note that might be helpful here:

s.102(3) of the 1972 Act provides that a local council can appoint persons who are not its members to committees and sub-committees (including joint committees and sub-committees) refers.

by (5.3k points)
The more usual term for such a person would be a lay member of a committee or working party not a co-opted non councillor as stated. Co-option is to a position as bound by rules of the council whilst a Lay member is invited to join a group to assist or inform the council with very very restricted voting powers powers.
Many thanks carolinenelson - that's very useful. Sorry Mentorman for confusing you originally - lay member is a better term than a co-opted non councillor. Thanks also for your replies.

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