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Hello everyone and thanks for looking at my question.

I've been looking at the meeting minutes of the Open Spaces Committee of my Parish Council.  The meeting notes show only the decisions made about a given topic, no reason why the topics were discussed, nor details of any discussions, just the decision is recorded.  I asked the Council Manager about this and was told  that "no verbatim record is made and no notes are kept, just the decision is recorded.  The problem is obvious - the reason things were done is lost as time goes by and review is impossible.

According to section 7.3 of    "The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014" (which covers Parish Councils) the following should be rcorded:

a) the date the decision was taken

b) a record of the decision taken along with resons for the decision taken

c) details of alternative options

d) where the decision falls under para 7.2 (a)........(.I don't think this is relevant here)


 - Does the lack of detail render the decisions taken ineffective?

 - Is it illegal to omit this information?

- Was there any similar legislation covering this prior to 2014?  I've looked through the Local Government Act 1972 and can't see anything relevant, but maybe I missed something.  I presume it's not retrospective.

Thanks for looking and any advice you can offer. Appreciated!

by (160 points)

2 Answers

+4 votes
Section 7.3 applies only to decisions made by officers under delegated arrangements, not to decision of the elected authority made in the conventional manner.
by (58.4k points)
+1 vote
Who is "The Council Manager" and is that the title they conferred upon themselves?  Whilst Dave the Clerk is correct, reporting just bare bones information could lead to extra FOI's further down the line.
by (35.8k points)

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