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0 votes
Can a councillor who was voted off the council at the last Parish Council Elections be co-opted back on again?
by (200 points)

2 Answers

+2 votes
Yes if the votes of the Current councillors support their cooption
by (6.3k points)
Clerk Gable is correct.

If there is a public question session as part of co-option, then you could remind councillors that public had already had their decision and voted against the person.

And if there was a co-option vacancy why did the candidate not put themselves forward when the vacancy occurred for election, is the question I always ask of our co-optees.
0 votes
The fact that someone did not get on during elections tells me there was more nominations than places. A lot of people think the idea of being a councillor is great but are not prepared for the hard work and responsibility that comes with the role
by (6.3k points)

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