Carry you have posted a number of times about issues with your Council, you’re a new member so it seems you are looking to ‘us’ for the magic answers.
To set your expectations we don’t have them and the issues you describe should be highlighted to the MO. If members of the public have issue then they can go to the LCO.
I’m guessing when you joined your council you weren’t aware of these issues or like many of us joined naively thinking you could change the world.
My advice is something I was told;
“Be savvy how you cross the river, trying to turn every stone in to a step will be time consuming and not necessarily lead to a safe crossing”.
I found this invaluable when needing to remind myself that I can’t fix/fight everything and sometimes I just need to accept the democratic vote of the council.
Apologies it’s not a direct answer to your question but I can sense your frustration.