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Can you be elected for vice chair if you are being paid for services by your councilaor if you are being investigated on a code of conduct
by (160 points)

4 Answers

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Carry Smart

Can you be a bit clearer what do you mean by “paid for services by your councillor if you are being investigated on a code of conduct”

It is normal process for any resignation from the council to be documented by a letter or email. It would be normal to re-elect for the position at the earliest opportunity such as the next meeting.
by (6.3k points)
+2 votes

Does a vice chair have to resign by letter?

  • They don't have to resign by letter to stop being vice Chair as that is an informal position, unlike the Chair
  • If they are resigning from the parish council as a whole, they need to resign in writing to the Chair
What is the time delay before re-electing?
  • You can elect a Vice chair at the next full council meeting as long as it is on the agenda
  • If you are referring to electing a replacement councillor, you need to follow legislation and contact the Elections officer at your Borough or District Council for instruction
Can you be elected for vice chair if you are being paid for services by your council?
  • As a councillor you can be paid for your expenses but not your services unless there has been a full and transparent tending process beforehand.
Can you be elected for vice chair if you are being investigated on a code of conduct?
  • It is up to the council to decide.  If the council has lodged the code of conduct complaint, why would they elect them as Vice chair?  If a member of the public has lodged the complaint, then they can but it wouldn't look very good, i would suggest...
by (25.4k points)
0 votes
Carry you have posted a number of times about issues with your Council, you’re a new member so it seems you are looking to ‘us’ for the magic answers.

To set your expectations we don’t have them and the issues you describe should be highlighted to the MO. If members of the public have issue then they can go to the LCO.
I’m guessing when you joined your council you weren’t aware of these issues or like many of us joined naively thinking you could change the world.

My advice is something I was told;

“Be savvy how you cross the river, trying to turn every stone in to a step will be time consuming and not necessarily lead to a safe crossing”.

I found this invaluable when needing to remind myself that I can’t fix/fight everything and sometimes I just need to accept the democratic vote of the council.
Apologies it’s not a direct answer to your question but I can sense your frustration.
by (5.4k points)
0 votes
Very wise words Chloe

The saying all that glitters is not gold is quite often true and  sometimes people feed the spokesperson with inaccuracies to make the story better. By posting these allegations on public sites, makes you responsible.
I  trust you have the evidence to back up all your claims and it is not just hearsay otherwise you could possibly find yourself on the wrong side of a legal case
by (6.3k points)

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