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I fully understand  that a Parish Council may have an  asset say a Village Hall  which it operates and makes a loss which is made good by  a grant which comes from the precept.  Is it however possible for them to make charges which lead to a profit being made ie income exceeds outgoings?  It seems morally wrong that Councils can make a loss but not a profit. Is there any definitive advice on PCs trading/charging for "services provided"?
by (5.3k points)

3 Answers

0 votes
I recently read somewhere that The Local Government Act 2003 permits councils to trade in activities related to their functions on a commercial footing, via a limited company, with a view to making a profit. I will try to find this information and post it on this thread.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
The document I was reading was an older version of the one listed below.  However, it does provide the same advice.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Our local Council swapped their Sole Trustee ‘head’ to Councillor, an ‘Events Officer’ was head hunted, paid by but not answerable by Council and the Hall bar takings shot up when well know bands signed. It helps if your Clerk has GPC.
by (580 points)

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