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Can a member of the public ask questions about a matter that will be held in camera on the agenda.

  Prior to the point in the meeting meetting where it does go in camera. The item is about Council Staffing and job description of potential new posts.

The meeting will be on Zoom and how should such a question be treated.
by (340 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Personally I think that might depend on the nature of the question and yourv own standing orders.

For example 'Are there any plans to increase Parish Staff', or something equally general might seem fair enough as the answer could be noncommital explaining that this is due to be discussed in the private section and if appropriate an annoucment will be made accordingly once a decission as been reached. I think it's always better to allow a question and explain why it can't be answered right there and then.

On the other hand if the question is of a more personal matter relating to staff or even future staff, maybe enquiring about salary for instance then that in my opinion is not a question that can be entertained. For complete transparency I think we would normally allow that question while tactfully explaining a little about staff privacy.
by (1.0k points)

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