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I seek to clearly understand  the Parish Poll process . Firstly , when it refers to a Parish meeting  does this mean the facility is only available at the Annual Parish meeting?  Or is it available at any other form of Parish Council meeting ?   Secondly I understand that the question posed must relate to any issue raised at the meeting and I can understand  how that fits in with the Annual Parish meeting ie Q and A .time .  If however the facility is available at any other meeting what constitutes "any question raised at the meeting".  Any advice or examples would be appreciated
by (5.3k points)

2 Answers

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A parish meeting may be called by the Chair, any 2 councillors or any 6 electors. Schedule 12, Part 3, Section 15.

Note Section 18(4) requiring the consent of the Chair, unless one-third of those present request a poll.
by (57.9k points)
0 votes

This has been discussed before  See

One example could be that somebody could ask a question about why the precept is in their view excessively high, and that could lead to a Parish Poll calling for it to be reduced.

Note that a Parish meeting is different to a monthly or the annual meeting (sometimes erroneously referred to as an "AGM") of the Parish (or Town) Council.

It is a meeting open to all eligible Electors of the Parish, and it's agenda is not the same as a normal one for a regular monthly Paris or Town  Council meeting.  The Chair of the Town or Parish Council is entitled to chair the parish meeting but if he/she declines to attend, it can be chaired by somebody else.   

It would appear that six electors could call for an additional Parish Meeting if the Parish Council has already facilitated  one in the normal 1st March and 1st June period. 

by (35.8k points)
Thanks guys . I knew I had read it somewhere. There was in my mind a need to understand the difference between a Parish meeting and a Parish Council meeting. This is best explained by a Parish meeting being a meeting of people of the Parish whereas the latter is a meeting of Councillors
There has been the error riddled feeling that the Annual Parish meeting is the same as or an adendum to the annual Parish Council meeting. The only connection with the Parish meeting and the council is that they are required by statute to call one once a year.It is not a parish council meeting even though it may be chaired by the PC chair. It is an instrument that enables the community to be able to hold the council to account or seek answers from them. It can be called at any time by the requisite number of electors and the cost of advertising and holding it is borne by the council. An agenda should be produced by those calling it with the topics to be discussed and questions to be asked to restrict the " we will come back to you on that" delaying response. The chair of the PC may preside but has no powers to impose PC meeting rules (Length of speaking time  etc) on the meeting. Minutes can be taken by (or chair) can be by any elector who can be elected by a vote of the meeting.
It is a backstop to hold the council to account for their actions but would require a good following of electors (other than the six) to support the holding to account in a democratic way.
We have a situation in which it seems a Parish Poll might be an option.  It appears however that a request for a Parish Poll can only be presented at a Councillors meeting which discusses the subject..  Is that correct (next Council meeting not until Sept) ?

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