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Good Afternoon

Our Parish Council Chairman/leader is married to the Parish Clerk I have been advised that this may be illigal. Can you clarify the rules on this situation.

Many thanks.
by (280 points)

1 Answer

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It is not illegal unless of course they are married to someone else at the time.
by (400 points)
Thank you Nancy.   My district councilor advised that he thought it may be illegal as it causes a conflict of interest as we have found out if you dare to criticise the clerk for not doing her job properly. As in the treasurer can not be married to certain people on Councils etc.
If you are councillor may I suggest NALC, they are a mine of information but I would be very surprised if this was the case. Yes we have one of those Clerks! You have every right to criticise the Clerk, she is the employee after all but carefully. What is she not doing? Ours is a sociopath! lol

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