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+1 vote
Our clerk seems to think that the minutes are  his record of the meetings and when a councillor wishes to change them, we have to check that he is willing to do so. I feel this is incorrect and changes to minutes should be voted on by councillors of the committee. I would appreciate advice.
by (2.3k points)

2 Answers

0 votes
The minutes have  to be changed in the Council meeting.
When the minutes come  up for vote, it is there you can request amendments and then if agreed they are amended, so essentially you are right.

If the minutes are not accurate, you can vote against if you felt they were inaccurate, and/or request  an objection to be minuted.
by (4.6k points)
I agree with RuralTCllr

If there are problems with minutes then do what I do and record all the meetings
You’d be amazed how good  the recording is on my mobile phone considering the meetings are held in a large room with 20 people
+2 votes
Minutes are a clerk's interpretation of what goes on at the meeting and, if a proper agenda has been prepared with written reports and clear recommendations, there should be little need to amend them.  However, if a member does feel that a correction is necessary, the place to raise that is at the next meeting when the minutes come up for appoval.  That way all members have the opportunity to have a say on the proposed correction.
If minutes regularly need correcting, there could be a training need for the clerk or chair.
by (2.1k points)
Thank you all for your direct and clear answers. I think IF and PROPER are the crucial words here, on our agendas we have Matters arising from the last meeting. Am I correct in thinking that these 'arising' issues should be on the new agenda so that everyone knows the topics to be discussed? Many of our meetings do not contain proposals but discussions which tend to go on and on, month after month. Please could you point me in the right direction to see some proper agendas which I could use as examples to try and emulate or at least work towards? Is the format of a correct agenda set out anywhere please? I can't believe that even the basics on our council are not correct and with an 'experienced clerk'.
The following paragraphs are taken from the Good Councillor's Guide:

At least three clear days before each council, committee or sub-committee meeting, you should be sent a summons and agenda. The three clear days is established in law because it is important to be notified of issues to be discussed. Topics requiring a decision cannot be added to the agenda after the deadline has passed; they must wait for another meeting.

Each agenda item should make it very clear what you as a councillor are expected to do and be precise about the
subject under discussion. For example, an agenda item saying “footpaths” gives you no idea what to expect. It is
more helpful to know that your task at the meeting is

"To receive a report from Cllr Gorie on the condition of footpaths in the parish and to agree action in response to proposals for repairs (copy of report attached)."

It is actually unlawful to make a decision, especially a decision to spend money, without sufficient (three clear
days) warning. Vague agenda items that don’t specify exact business (such as Matters Arising, and Any Other
Business) are dangerous and should be avoided, because the council cannot make unexpected decisions.
Thank you DavetheClerk, very helpful indeed.

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