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If there were ever welfare concerns about a clerk, where would I raise this? To the clerk or the HR committee?
In the past, I raised a welfare concern about a clerk to the clerk and perhaps shouldn't have and may have been wrong to do this. Either way I would just like to know how to do this right, if I ever need to, as we're due a new Clerk. (4th in 14 months)
We've had so many I struggle to connect so to speak.
Equally I presume I am right to flag  welfare concerns about employees with the clerk.
by (4.6k points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
I think speaking to the Clerk was a good and sensible approach because they probably didn’t feel half as bad as if they thought you’d gone behind their back.

The Council is the employer not the Chairperson so if you have a specific concern you should address those in writing to the Chair of that committee and they should look in to it.

That’s about it really.
by (5.4k points)
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