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My Parish Council has told the local cricket club they can’t play this year although I’m not sure if Councillors were  consulted
Are other Parishes allowing clubs to play
by (13.0k points)

3 Answers

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Our local CC is opening soon. It seems the biggest problem is the catering arrangements. No buffets allowed I am told.

No doubt I shall be helping behind the scenes in due course!
by (5.3k points)
0 votes
I would have thought that it depends on who's land the cricket club play.If it is their own land then the PC cannot stipulate as the responsibility for Novid protection lies with the club. If it is council land then they can stipulate but also have an obligation to do whatever they can to get things back "to normal".This of course means defining clearly what steps must be taken to protect users of the land.This would entail the whole council in decision making.
by (29.4k points)
0 votes
Bearing in mind the fact that the Government has said that your local cricket club can resume playing and the ECB has published detailed guidelines to ensure that the risks are minimised,  you would need to have clearly documented reasons for going against this advice. I assume that the Parish Council owns the facility. The Parish Council, if meeting, or the delegated person if the council has suspended the normal decision-making process, should study the ECB guidelines and indicate which aspects cannot be achieved in your particular circumstances.
by (60.1k points)

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