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Can I seek clarification that the co-option of any councillors should have a process (such as an application form) which should be sent soley to the clerk of a Council - not to a Chairman.

If a Chairman has directed interested persons to contact them directly, does that mean the process become compromised and therefore the 'application' and any prospective co-option, invalid, certainly if the above was not clear it was part of a co-option process.

As always, a new area to me.
by (4.6k points)
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2 Answers

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Best answer
The law surrounding co-option are vague and left to the council to decide.  They could ask their mate down the pub to take the seat and that would be legally acceptable as long as they were eligible to apply.  We have a thorough policy that outlines the process and voting procedures and there is a chance that if you apply, and you were the only applicant, that the council could decide not to appoint you as there is a requirement to obtain 50% of the vote.
by (25.6k points)
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+1 vote
Our process is that candidates write to the clerk after seeing an advert (website, facebook, local shops and notice board).

The clerk convenes a staffing committee, where the candidate(s) are given an introduction to the Parish Council, what we currently do, what we can do, what we can't do, they give an introduction about themselves and afterwards, they vote to make a recommendation to the full council. (We dont tend to get a public audience so it is informal, "who are you, what experiencds do you have, are you sure you know what we do, and what you are signing up for" type event.

At the full council meeting the candidate is invited to give a short intro about themselves. (All candidates are forwarded to full council with or without a recommendation).

This allows the public to "speak now or forever hold your peace" in case a member of the public wants to say something in support of the candidate (or otherwise).

We then vote on the candidate(s) as required by law, in that they must have a majority of vote 50%+1, and not just a plurality.
by (9.0k points)
No councillor can take their place at council until they have completed and signed the required acceptance of office (provided by the Clerk) . It is unlikely that an acceptance and forms signed at the same meeting would allow that to occur as the decision would need to be pre-supposed for the clerk to complete the paperwork BEFORE the vote. Normally it would be carried out at the next council meeting (or EO meeting if urgent) AFTER the vote, if accepted
One final question  I have read LTN15-08 and it talks of two things i.e. your eligibility criteria and your “person specification”. LTN 15-08 gives some guidance as to the preferred qualities.

As part of my application my “person specification” sought comments under three heading . a) Reason for wishing to be councillor
b)Previous community/council work and
c)Any other skills that will be of benefit to the council
My understanding is that my submission is then passed on to Councillors to consider.    Would it be correct  say that this submission should be the only  evidence that can be considered when opining as to my suitability. ? Would say the fact that I have  a complaint currently lodged with the External Auditor be relevant or inadmissible ?
In the two councils I have been involved in, both have asked the co-optee to sign the papers immediately after the full council have voted, whereupon they have been allowed to join the meeting as a councillor.
Admirable and helpful information on yourself which would go a long way to assisting councillors with their decision making. As far as any complaint made is concerned it SHOULD have no bearing on the co-option especially if it is on-going and no decision has been made by the auditors. If found in your favour then I would assume that a professional council would welcome the matter being rectified by your complaint
A very generous take on the possible attitude of some Councillors I have to say  !! Thanks for all you comments

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