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If you put a purchase on the agenda for approval of the expenditure and the amount is known, can that purchase also go on the agenda for payment at the same meeting, or does it have to be approved at one meeting and paid at the next?
Approving and authorising at the same meeting would save a lot of time and I would have thought that it would be possible, on the basis of not having to authorise the payment if the purchase is not approved?
by (310 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Provided the budget is specified regarding the payment, I see no reason why it couldn't be done on the same day. We have done that in my Council.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
I have a list of payments for approval with the BACS processing date of the next day.  I also have a list of approved payments that sits alongside the financial regulations that includes regular payments for things like wages, utilities, rates etc.  This list is approved at the May meeting alongside the financial regulations.

I also agree with RuralTCllr that if a specific item is named in the budget, then the approval for payment has been given.  For example, the purchase of benches, planters etc that are specified will allow for them to be purchased during the financial year.
by (25.6k points)

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