Questions about town and parish councils
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Curious. How many of you are on a council that hosts its own paid events? (Those without General Power of Competence only please).
For example:

Do you have festivals?

Cinema nights?

Coach trips?
Classic cars?
If you do any of these or similar then how do you account for the profit in your finances?

Thanks in advance.
by (5.4k points)

1 Answer

0 votes

You would have to look for a power if you don't have GPC.


  1. Local Government Act 1972, s145 - provision of entertainment and support of the arts
  2. Public Health Act 1875, s164 - power to acquire and maintain land for public recreation
  3. Local Government Act 1972, s144 - power to encourage tourism to the council's area
by (25.4k points)
Thanks, I get all that I’m just curious as to what others do with their profit
Councils shouldn't be working to create a profit.  They should be building up acceptable reserves and using any extra money for projects for their communities.  They should review their precept and other income against planned expenses and budget accordingly to break even.
I don’t think you’re understanding the point.

Many, many councils have events that create a profit. That money doesn’t have to go in to reserves it can be spent on projects.

My very simple query asked what do other councils do with profits I.e bus stops, gardens etc etc.

I’m not suggesting councils make profits like a business.

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