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0 votes
Should the name of a prospective employee i.e one who has verbally accepted a position be named on an Agenda.
by (1.4k points)

3 Answers

+1 vote
No.  They have not signed a contract of employment.  They could be named on the minutes but I don't know why there would be a need to name a new employee until they had started.  What if they had not handed in their notice yet?
by (25.4k points)
+1 vote
No it shouldn't on be the agenda papers made available to the public, but there is no reason why it can't be included on those sent to the Cllrs.
by (35.8k points)
0 votes
If interviews have taken place and the staffing/selection committee have decided upon 'Joe Blogg's' and this is to be voted on by the full council then potentially yes this can happen, it's not illegal and there's nothing to say it can't happen. However if for whatever reason the full council voted against appointment for whatever reason then it may cause embarrassment to 'Joe Blogg's' if there have already been named.

Best practice would be to have an agenda item to say "Appointment of Clerk" etc and once at that agenda item the Chairman or appropriate person can inform the full council. It can then be minuted that 'Joe Blogg's' was appointed successfully to the position. However, if the full council voted against 'Joe Blogg's' it may be considered more appropriate to the minute in a way such as 'Appointment of Clerk' unfulfilled.
by (5.4k points)

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