The Annual Parish Meeting is the annual meeting of the electorate of the parish - it is not a parish council meeting per se, and it must be held between 1st March and 1st June each year. This meeting can be called by the Chair, 2 councillors or 6 electors. At this time, there has been no change in legal provision for this meeting so it cannot be held virtually. Therefore with the restrictions on social gathering, the ability to have this meeting has been curtailed. There is actually no legal requirement for parish councils to call this meeting as it is a gathering of the electorate facilitated by the parish council (normally), which is why it has not been included in the Covid legislation.
The Annual Parish Council Meeting is the annual meeting of the parish council where the Chair is elected for the next year, and, alongside other things, membership of committees is agreed. It is a requirement in law that this meeting takes place in May and is one of the 4 meetings that must be legally held in one year. The Covid legislation has allowed this and other parish council meetings to be held virtually OR, if the council decides, provision has been made in the law to postpone this meeting until May 2021.
Hope this helps